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The House for Juliet consists of three floors. In the lower part, there are offices, employee dressing rooms, a technical room, as well as storage rooms for bed linens, beds, and assistive devices.

The main part of the House for Juliet consists of a large communal area, rooms for children, a sensory playroom, as well as rooms for physiotherapy, art therapy, music therapy, a cinema, and a pool. The communal area includes a playroom, a dining area, a relaxation area, and a computer room. From the communal area, you can access the terrace or the inner atrium.


The inner atrium provides ample privacy for all hospice clients. Partial roofing allows the outdoor space to be used even in unfavorable weather conditions. It includes a small garden and play elements for children. All rooms have their own separate entrances to the atrium.

In the upper floor, there are rooms for parents and siblings of the children. There is also a shared kitchen with a dining area. Walkable roofs provide additional outdoor space for use and are naturally integrated with the surroundings of the building.

Stavba Domu pro Julii: What We Do


The construction of the children's hospice has been strongly supported by the City of Brno from the very beginning of the project. The land for construction was selected in 2018, and subsequently, collaboration began with the architectural studio Čtyřstěn. From 2018 to 2021, architectural studies, project documentation, and construction documentation were created. The building permit for construction was issued in December 2021.


In 2021, the organization Dům pro Julii, z.ú. entered into a cooperation agreement with the City of Brno, which became the investor for the entire construction. The Dům pro Julii organization provided the equipment for the House and operates all services. The construction commenced with a symbolic laying of the foundation stone on July 19, 2022 and the building was handed over to the organization Dům pro Julii two years later. 

The House for Juliet is situated in the park of the home for the elderly on Kociánka. The specific address is Trtílkova 5, Brno. Operation of respite services commenced at the start of August 2024.


​"From the original plans, when the city was only supposed to provide land in the grounds of the garden of the home for the elderly on Kociánka, it became an investor in the entire building. The entire preparation process was greatly accelerated thanks to the prepared project documentation provided by a non-profit organization. Now we entrust the building directly to the organization House for Juliet, in form of long term lease agreement. The agreement is set for the duration of the project's sustainability, but at least for 15 years," said the mayor of Brno Markéta Vaňková at the ceremonial handover of the building.


The construction of the three-story building, which fits into the surrounding environment of the park on Kociánka, took 20 and a half months. "The total cost of building the hospice reached 184.5 million crowns without VAT. We managed to get the support of the European Union. The subsidy from the Integrated Regional Operational Program is worth 86 million crowns and we obtained it through the ITI integrated investment tool. The remaining amount was paid from city’s budget," specified First Deputy Mayor of Brno René Černý.


The architectural design of the hospice had to meet high demands of a medical facility, while combining facilities for parents, space for leisure time activities, therapy rooms and the administrative facilities for the organization itself. "In addition to the obvious requirements that the hospice must meet, whether it is wheelchair accessibility or medical specifics, it was important for us to bring inner peace, serenity and humility to it when designing the house. The house should serve as a refuge, a place to experience the most difficult moments and to find peace and come to terms with fate. A space for relief, mutual support and solitude when you need it most, but also as a place for moments of normal life and joyful encounters. It is sensitively set in the terrain, oriented to the central atrium with original, preserved mature trees. Common spaces and individual children's rooms all have entrances to the atrium. From the rooms for parents on the third floor of the building, you can go out to the walkable green roof at any time, which seamlessly connects to the surrounding park, and the whole house is thus a natural and integral part of it. The goal was for the House for Julia to completely fit in and blend in with its surroundings, which I hope was achieved," added architect Tomáš Págo from the ČTYŘSTĚN architectural studio to the project.This is also supported by landscaping and the selection of natural materials. Everything was chosen to complement the local genius loci while maintaining maximum functionality.


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The statutory city of Brno financially supported the construction of the House for Julia building. The project is co-financed through the Integrated Regional Operational Program. Studio Čtyřstěn is behind the architectural design.

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